Refund Policy

Any product/service once purchased cannot be cancelled or terminated since the nature of Products/Services is online and they are instantly delivered and/or once the process of delivery gets initiated or started, cannot be stopped without any misuse/loss to Company.

However, Company will refund any fees or services charges as received from user in the following circumstances: if Company received any payment in duplicate by mistake or omission or error or failure of transaction by bank.

Any request for refund of payment made by you to Company should be within 2 business days of date of payment. Your request for a refund terminates your rights to use the Company services and any related warranties or guarantees and further use of the Product/Service will be considered as misuse and can result into cancellation of the refund. You understand and agree that the sole and exclusive remedy available to you shall be to claim from Company refund of the fees paid by You for any event, including but not limited to computation error, printing error, filing error, filing delay, data leakage, security breach, data loss, or non-availability of product/service.